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Clean Money With Sam Sells – Episode 23 – Does Your Business Need A Healing? w/Knolly Williams

Knolly Williams, the Business Healer, runs 3 separate and distinct 6 Figure Businesses while working just 3 Hours a Day, and he teaches thousands of entrepreneurs and business leaders how to duplicate that success. Knolly is a Bestselling Author, an International Speaker, and a Thought Leader who has built multiple six and seven figure businesses from scratch. He built a 7 figure record label in his 20s. In his 30s, he became one of America’s Top Real Estate Brokers, selling more than 1,000 homes as a solo agent, during his first 10 years in real estate. Today, Knolly Inspires tens of thousands through his Youtube channel, coaching club, and 3 Hour Workday Bootcamp. In this episode, Sam and Knolly talk healing your business, creating freedom of time and money, and the dangers of the employee mindset.